Supported Networks

The current version of JAWS can translate L2 ASCII data from the following AWS networks to netCDF format:

  1. AAWS(Antarctic Automatic Weather Stations): They focus on observational Antarctic meteorological research, providing real-time and archived meteorological data and observations.
  2. GCNet(Greenland Climate Network): They collect climate information on Greenland’s ice sheet.
  3. IMAU(Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research): They have deployed several AWS on glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets, since 1994. These AWS are deployed on different glaciers around the world, in different climate regimes.
  4. POLENET(The Polar Earth Observing Network): It is a global network dedicated to observing the polar regions in a changing world.
  5. PROMICE(Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet): The aim of PROMICE is to quantify the mass loss from surface melting and iceberg calving through a combination of observation and modelling. Data on the surface climate and melting is collected from a comprehensive network of AWS spanning all regions of the Greenland Ice Sheet margin.
  6. SCAR(Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research): It is an inter-disciplinary committee of the International Science Council (ISC), and was created in 1958. SCAR is charged with initiating, developing and coordinating high quality international scientific research in the Antarctic region.

Note: If your network is not in the above list and you would like it to be supported by JAWS, please open an issue on Github or contact Charlie Zender at

Total number of stations handled by JAWS: 378

Total number of station-years of data handled by JAWS: 3600